Friday, August 26, 2016

Vegan Mexican Street Corn

As corn season has started, we rush to enjoy fresh corn on the cob or cut and served as Mexican street corn. This is a very tasty side dish, salad or snack.

Vegan Mexican Street Corn

Serving Size: 4


  • 4 cups fresh yellow corn
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or vegan margarine
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons soyanaise
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes
  • 1 bunch coriander or cilantro, cleaned and chopped
  • 1/2 cup spring onions, sliced
  • vegan almond Parmesan*

for the vegan almond Parmesan:

  • 4 tablespoons almond meal
  • 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon dried lemon grass powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • pinch nutmeg


  1. Cut the corn from the cob.
  2. Heat the oil or margarine in a large pot.
  3. Add the corn to the oil and cook, stirring until the corn is lightly golden brown.
  4. When done, remove from the pot and place in a mixing bowl.
  5. While the corn is still hot, add the minced garlic and mix well.
  6. Allow the corn to cool slightly for a few minutes.
  7. Chop the coriander or cilantro and slice the spring onions
  8. Make the vegan almond Parmesan by mixing the ingredients in a small bowl.
  9. Add the soyanaise to the corn and mix well.
  10. Add the coriander or cilantro and the spring onions.
  11. Add 3 tablespoons of the vegan Parmesan and chili flakes and mix well.
  12. Serve warm or at room temperature with more of the vegan Parmesan sprinkled on top and if you like if very spicy, dust with a pinch of cayenne.

from Vegalicious
via Why You Should Consider Buying Organic Food

Thursday, August 25, 2016

?Our New Protein Balls

Available in all stores now is our new range of protein balls! Freshly made, they come in 3 flavours; almond, coconut and cacao.
Protein bars are a great on the go snack option, we have so many great ones to choose from and always carry one around with us for snacking emergencies! However we wanted to create something fresher, with less ingredients that contained plant based protein powder.

Enter our protein balls! They are made using only almonds, dates, banana, cocoa powder, cacao nibs & Sunwarrior Plus protein powder. Then we coat them in either coconut, almond or cacao. Rather than 6 months shelf life, we only give our 4 days so you know they are fresh.

They are a great pre workout option, the mix of natural sugars and protein will fuel you for a good workout. Also post workout the protein content will aid your muscle recovery. But don’t think protein is just for the gym…it is a key element of a balanced diet. Protein has so many functions in our bodies; from building & repairing tissues to making hormones and enzymes.

Protein takes more energy to digest than carbohydrates or fat which make protein based snacks a great option. They’ll keep you feeling satiated for longer and as these balls don’t contains any refined sugar, you won’t get that energy peak & slump. That makes our protein balls an all-round good snacking option, any time of day! 

from Planet Organic Blog
via How to Save Money When Buying Organic Foods

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Benefits of Fermented Foods

A well known fact and advocated by populations over the years, ‘Fermented foods are good for the gut’; but do they benefit besides?
Yes, they provide all essential nutrition you want for a healthy body besides maintaining the right balance between unhealthy and the favorable micro organisms in your body.
Fermented foods help your body grow lactic acid producing bacteria, which are responsible for turning milk products to go sour and ferment the vegetable matters.
These fermented foods are sometimes also called as pro-biotic foods due to their ability to grow the lactic acid producing bacteria. When taken regularly, these foods turn the entire digestive tract into an acidic medium, enabling fast and efficient digestion of all food materials we take.

Let’s take a look what fermented foods have to offer in addition to gut health: 
Better Bowel Movements: Also known to induce the production of acetylcholine in the body, fermented foods make bowel movements easy and orderly, thereby reducing constipation. It also enhances the production levels of digestive juices and enzymes from the stomach, gall bladder and pancreas. 

Good for Diabetics: Intake of fermented foods increases the action of the pancreas, by pre-digesting the carbohydrates in the lactic acid. This lessens the work load on the pancreas; else it has to work harder to break down dense particles and carbohydrates. 

Improved Immunity and All-round Wellness: Fermented foods are known to produce a number of chemical compounds that destroy and discourage the growth of disease-causing pathogenic bacteria. An improved immunity leads to dip in frequent sickness. 

Vitamin Rich: Fermented foods are called as superfoods as they are rich source of rare yet vital vitamins like K2, B9, and B12 etc.  These are necessary for vital chemical reactions in the body.  K2 maintains calcium balance in the body, B9 the folate, is required for making of DNA and helps in the proper development of cells. It also contributes to the brain health. B12 or Coalbumin aids the body to get more energy; at the same time keeping red blood cells and nerves in a healthy state.
Add More Flavor to the Food: With fermentation largely a natural process, without addition of any harmful chemical substances, these foods give a richer flavor and a unique taste, adding more to your appetite. 
Not just conventional, but even alternate medicines, studies and practitioners have vouched for fermented foods for years. And if you are still ignorant of the gut benefits fermented foods provide, then you’ll be sure to include them in your diet after discovering.

Let’s take a look
Balance the Production of Stomach Acid: Fermented foods are known to have a soothing effect on the digestive organs of the body. This is achieved by their ability to control and balance the secretion of the stomach acid. 
If your body is short in producing hydrochloric acid, the fermented foods increase the secretion of gastric juices and compensate for the inadequacy. When your body is secreting too much digestive acids, the fermented foods protect the lining of the stomach and save it from the corrosive action of these acids.
As we get older, the ability of the body to produce digestive acids gets reduced and by taking small amounts of fermented foods once or twice a day, it can easily be compensated.
Helps Maintaining Population of Healthy Gut Bacteria – Certain groups of micro organisams present in our gut are good for secreting the enzymes that are needed for efficient breakdown of food. These microbes help the body to get more nutrition from the food we eat. 
The fermented foods help these microbes to thrive in our gut and become the driving force in the proper maintenance of digestive system.
Supply of Digestive Enzymes: The digestive enzymes that are secreted in our body break the food we eat and convert them in a state so that the body can absorb the required nutrition. 
As we age, the amount of these enzymes gets reduced and we lose our digestive power. Eating pre-digested and digestive enzyme-rich fermented foods helps our body to digest easily and supply all the nutrients needed for a healthy body.
Easy to Digest: As the fermented foods are in a semi broken state, they are pre-digested by bacteria or yeasts. These foods are very easy to digest and can be readily absorbed by the body with minimum effort of the digestive organs. 

Benefits of Fermented foods are widespread and so are a few myths. Let’s get to the facts
Fermented Foods Must be Canned to Store: Not really necessary as the presence of lactic acid, preserves them. Come close to their flavor and aroma and you would get to know the real state of the foods. 
Fermented Foods Must be Stored in a Freezer: Not true, they only require a cool place to be stored and not necessarily are refrigerated. 

The list may go on-and-on; however the health benefits fermented foods have to offer; can never be depreciated.
The gut drives it all in the first place. Even the medicines, therapies, body care gadgets and supplements work faster if you resort to healthier food habits.
Time to be a little more disciplined and health savvy. Including fermented foods, would do a bit!

Learn how to make sauerkraut
Everything you should know about Kefir
Benefits of Kombucha

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?Berry Dream Nicecream

Nicecream – gelato-consistency icecream made with frozen bananas – is the perfect treat on a hot summer’s day. But just as the nutritional profile of a smoothie is improved by including nuts, seeds and superfoods, rather than using sugar-packed fruit alone, the same is true of this dessert.
In our recipe below, perfectly-measured portion of acai, goji berries and camu camu in Love Your Blender’s Super Berry sachet ramp up the vitamins while the brazil nuts, chia seeds and hemp seeds provide healthy fats and plant protein. They are ready-mixed in one sachet, so you don’t need a cupboard full of seperate ingredients. Just add some frozen blueberries along with your bananas and a dash of your choice of milk and you’ll be enjoying a bowl of delicious, smooth, good-for-you superfood nicecream in minutes!

1. Empty the Super Berry sachet into your blender and whizz it to a fine powder.
2. Then add the bananas and berries.
3. Blend to a smooth gelato-type consistency, adding a little milk if needed to ease things along. If you're using a NutriBullet style blender, you'll need to blend for ten seconds or so, then take the cup off, shake it to move the frozen ingredients around and repeat several times. In a Vitamix-type blender you may need to pause and scrape the sides down a few times.

Serve immediately with your choice of toppings.
Discover Love Your Blender’s range of five mixes here

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Is modern life zapping your energy?

Modern technology has altered the landscape of our lives.
Life today is easier, faster and more convenient as a result of mobile phones, computers and the explosion in wireless communication.  However, many scientists around the world are trying to alert us to the fact that the devices to which we are all so wedded emit electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) which can have serious effects on our health.  You cannot see them, taste them or smell them but man-made EMFs are all-pervasive; we are surrounded by electro-pollution.
What are the health implications of using and being surrounding by wireless technology on a our bodies cellular communication which creates a biochemical stress response. Some people complain of headaches, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, low energy levels, problems concentrating and unaccountable aches and pains.
Minimise your exposure to EMF’s by making some basic changes wherever possible and investing in EMF protection devices such as energyDOTs.
EnergyDOTs are designed to be worn and used. Place a smartDOT on your mobile phone, laptop or wifi router to create a safer environment to live and work in. Wear a bioDOT to protect yourself from surrounding technology. The family of energyDOTs have been designed to offer maximum protection from EMF’s whether at home, at work or out and about.

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Raw Blackberry Cheesecake

This recipe for my raw Blackberry Cheesecake slices is one of my favourites. It’s honestly so dreamy - I’ve never known anyone to dislike it.
The base is inspired by my raw brownies; its’ amazingly dense, nutty and rich chocolate base would be amazing on its own, but I’ve gone and made this recipe even more incredible by adding a delicious berry cheesecake topping! It’s the perfect summer recipe, with no cooking involved, so the dessert’s nice and cooling (almost like an ice cream cake!). The freshness of the ingredients really come through, which I feel makes it lighter to eat and the perfect sunshine treat.

Start by grinding the almonds in a food processor. Add the remaining ingredients and process to combine into a dough. Keep blending until completely combined and sticky. Press rectangularly/ or in to a square on the bottom of a tray lined with parchment paper. Set aside while you make the topping.
Throw everything into the blender and blend until smooth. Spread evenly on top of the crust and place in the freezer to set. When you’re ready to eat, remove from the freezer and let melt for 5-10 minutes decorate with your choice of coconut, cacao nibs or goji berry topping. Or why not add all three!
Add all ingredients into a small saucepan and simmer for 20 minutes until it breaks down into a compote. Stir often to allow the blackberries to break down. Let cool and pour onto the cheesecake bars when done.

For more recipes visit my blog 
Catch me on Instagram @naturally.sassy
Grab my cookbook here:

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Eat to TREAT your skin!

Our skin is one of the body’s most important detoxification organs and you’ll know that if you’re feeling run down, have let the healthy eating slip or had one too many late nights that one of the first places for it to show up is your skin.
But you might not know why this happens - if you are prone to blemishes and pimples or have a diagnosed inflammatory skin condition like psoriasis, eczema, acne or rosacea, it can be a telling sign that your liver - the body’s main detoxification factory is overworked. Through a whole host of complicated biological processes, this (as well as many other factors) can encourage an inflammatory state in the body, so it might be time slow down, take a break and provide your body with the nutrients it needs to support your skin and calm inflammation.
These days, due to chronic stress, external toxins or a diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals it can be very common to have some level of underlying inflammation going on, but don’t fret! Our skin is constantly replenishing itself with cells ‘turning over’ every 30 days or so, so making dietary changes can show up fairly quickly. In order to keep our skin healthy we need to feed it with the right nutrients and the great news is that by following some simple anti-inflammatory principles you can dampen this down with lots of delicious and nutritious foods.

Keep things colourful
It’s important to eat a wide range of colourful fruit and veg, they’re packed with powerful antioxidants that can help to protect the skin from ‘free radicals’. As a general rule the more richly pigmented the better so aim to eat a rainbow! In particular sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash and spinach are all good sources of beta carotene which helps to keep skin cells healthy and encourage a glowing complexion. Load up on broccoli and berries for vitamin C, another super antioxidant and an essential nutrient for skin healing and the production of collagen which keeps our skin plumped up and looking youthful.

Don’t shy away from healthy fats
Every cell in our body has a ‘lipid’ membrane and to keep this nice and fluid it’s important to load up on healthy fats which are crucial for managing inflammation and supporting the skin. Oily fish, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts & seeds (walnuts and flaxseeds are particularly high in anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats) are all fantastic. 

Provide your skin with the building blocks
Good quality protein like lean meat, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, tofu or tempeh is key for keeping blood sugar stable and encouraging skin repair, and a healthy helping of fibre and whole grains can keep digestion ticking over and get rid of any excess toxins. Approximately 70% of our immune system is based in the gut so ensuring healthy bowel habits can really support immune function – load up on prebiotic foods like bananas (particularly the green ones), onions, garlic and asparagus to feed your friendly bacteria.

Spice things up
For an extra anti-inflammatory edge, learn to cook with herbs and spices - turmeric, ginger, rosemary and garlic are all great.

Eat real foods which agree with you
Those are the good guys but what should you avoid to keep your skin healthy? Firstly anything refined, white or sugary - these foods can disrupt blood sugar balance and promote inflammation. Vegetable, sunflower and corn oils are best avoided along with margarine which are all highly processed and if eaten in excess can contribute to inflammation. Stick to real, grass fed butter or coconut oil to cook with and dress your salads with extra virgin olive oil, flax or walnut oil for more super powered anti-inflammatory omega 3s.

Wheat, gluten and dairy are common allergens and for many can promote an immune response so give oat, rice or nut milk a try and mix up your grains – brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat are all gluten free and make a nutritious alternative.
Finally, there’s nothing wrong with a tipple now and again but too much can disrupt blood sugar and place an extra strain on the liver so opt for the odd vino as an occasional treat and try experimenting with health(ier) homemade berry cocktails made with vodka or gin!
Written by Registered Nutritional Therapist Becky Graham DipION


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Spicy Vegan Barbecue Burger

These Vegan burgers are wonderfully fragrant with Mexican spices.
The beans provide plenty of protein while the oats are rich in soluble fibre to help stabilise blood sugar levels and support digestive health.
  • 2 Garlic Cloves
  • ½ Small Onion
  • 1 Tsp Xylitol
  • 2 Tsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1 Tsp Ground Cumin
  • ½ Tsp Chilli Powder
  • 1 Tsp Dried Oregano
  • 2 Tbsp Tomato Puree
  • 1 Tbsp Tamari Soy Sauce
  • 2 Tbsp Ground Flaxsee or Chia Seeds
  • 400g Tin Butterbeans
  • 75g Gluten-free Oats
  • 50g Sweetcorn
  • Sea Salt & Black Pepper
  • 125g Sunflower Seeds
  • 1 Tsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 1 Pickled Chilli
  • ¼ Tsp Salt
  • 1 Roasted Pepper (from a jar)
  • 3-4 Tbsp Water
1. Place all the burger ingredients except the butterbeans, oats and sweetcorn in a food processor and blitz up to form a thick paste.
2. Add the beans, oats and sweetcorn and pulse briefly, just to combine everything but still keep some texture. Season with salt & pepper.

3. Divide the mixture into four, then wet your hands and shape into burgers.

4. Preheat your barbecue. Place the burgers on a non-stick baking tray and grill for 5 minutes on each side until golden and crisp.

5. To make the spicy dressing simply place all the ingredients in a blender and blitz, adding just enough water to create a thick sauce.

6. Serve the burgers topped with a spoonful of the dressing and occompany with mixed salad or steamed vegetables.

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Heal Your Gut

Our relationship with our gut is one that many of us could improve on.
Like any relationship, it takes time to develop, a lot of listening, effort and being prepared to try new things. But when faced with so many demands; work, a busy social calendar, squeezing in exercise, not to mention those of us also juggling childcare, sometimes our body’s needs take a backseat. However your relationship with your gut is one you definitely don’t want to put on hold.

So what do we mean when we refer to our gut?

In very simple terms your digestive tract, particularly the intestine or stomach. What we need to be getting to grips with is our gut microbiome which is the complex community of microorganisms (bacteria) which live in our gut. They essentially help to digest our food, produce vitamins during digestion and send signals to the immune system.

Why is your gut microbiome so important?

Research has revealed that gut health is critical to overall health. Researchers have found a connection between gut microbiome and a multitude of problems throughout the body including; diabetes, obesity, arthritis, depression & Alzheimer’s disease.

This is a relatively new area of research and as yet the exact mechanisms by which the gut interacts with your body are yet to be determined. However it is likely inflammation plays a big role; when your gut health is compromised this can lead to inflammation which has a big part to play in many modern diseases.

What can you do?

The good news is that you can improve the health of your gut by rebalancing the ratios of good to bad bacteria. Learn to listen to your gut. Symptoms such as bloating and stomach pain should not be an everyday occurrence! 

hey are a sign that something has irritated your gut so look for triggers in your diet and lifestyle. Common triggers include gluten, dairy, caffeine, sugar, antibiotics and stress. If you can identify specific triggers then small changes in your diet can improve the health of your microbiome and reduce your unpleasant symptoms. For example if dairy is your trigger, switching to dairy free milk.

Incorporate fermented foods into your diet, even if you never experience any negative symptoms this is still a great idea for improving the overall health of your microbiome. Kefir, Kombucha, miso, sauerkraut; there are so many options and delicious recipes that make introducing fermented foods easy.


With more research being conducted all the time our knowledge of how our gut health affects our overall health is likely to drastically increase over the next few years. In the meantime, consider your gut microbiome your new BFF.  

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Semolina Pudding with Fresh Berries

This has been an exceptional year for berries, so we have made this delicious and easy dessert a few times with various berries. It is quick and easy to make and very enjoyable.

Japanese Wineberries

Serving Size: 4


for the pudding:

  • 4 cups non-dairy milk
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup vegan margarine
  • 1 cup semolina flour

for the berry sauce:

  • 12 ounces fresh berries (Japanese wineberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries,  etc.)
  • 1/4 sugar
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1/2 cup water

Semolina pudding with Japanese Wineberries


to make the pudding:

  1. Place the non-dairy milk, sugar and vegan margarine in a medium saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil and add the semolina flour.
  3. Cook stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.
  4. Place the pudding in 4 spray oiled ramekins and allow to cool.

to make the sauce:

  1. Clean the berries.
  2. Reserve a few whole ones to be garnish.
  3. Place the rest in a small saucepan.
  4. Add the water, sugar and lemon juice and cook until the berries are soft.
  5. If there are many seeds in the berries, consider pushing the sauce through a sieve.
  6. If you don’t mind the seeds, then allow the sauce to cool until ready to use.

to serve:

  1. When ready to serve, remove the semolina puddings from the form and place on individual dessert plates.
  2. Pour some of the sauce over each pudding and garnish with a few of the fresh berries.

from Vegalicious
via Why You Should Consider Buying Organic Food

Sweet Potato & Halloumi Warm Salad With Tahini Dressing

  • 1 medium sweet potato
  • 4 slices of halloumi cut into squares (approx 12-15)
  • 1 tablespoon ghee (or organic butter)
  • 3 sprigs of fresh mint leaves
  • 6-7 sprigs fresh dill
  • 3 tablespoons tahini
  • Juice of 1 fresh lemon
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Generous couple of pinches Himalayan or sea salt


1. Pre-heat oven to 200°C. Peel and cut the sweet potato into chunks. Place on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cook for 25-30 mins.

2. While the sweet potato is cooking cut the halloumi into smaller squares. Heat a small pan with ghee or organic butter and lightly fry for 2 minutes on each side to give a golden colour.

3. Remove from the heat and place into a bowl.

4. Wash and roughly chop the mint and dill and place and add to the bowl with the halloumi.

5. For the dressing mix the tahini, lemon juice, salt, 2 tablespoons olive oil and water to thin and put to one side.

6. Once the sweet potato has finished cooking remove from the oven and add to the bowl with the halloumi, mint and dill and combine all together. Transfer to a plate and drizzle with the dressing and the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

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Green Tea and Ginger Soda

This homemade Soda is a favourite pick-me-up energy drink when you need to concentrate and be productive.
The green tea sharpens our mind and makes up more focused. This soda is sugar free, too.

  • 4 ¼ Cups Sparkling Water
  • 2 Tbps Ginger Shot (see below)
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 1Tsp Matcha Powder
  • Sprig of Fresh Thyme
Ginger Shot
  • 5 inch Ginger Root
1. To make the ginger shot, put the ginger through a juicer or chop the ginger and put it into a blender with 1-2 tablespoons water and blend until smooth.
2. Pour the sparkling water into a clean bottle, add the ginger shot, lemon juice and matcha powder.
3. Carefully stir and enjoy.

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Why Kefir?

Things you should know about Kefir
Just like other fermented foods, Kefirs contain high amounts of beneficial probiotics, digestive live enzymes, health boosting nutrients and B vitamins which are essential to our overall health.
The kefir grains make up are cultures of various strains of healthy bacteria, yeast, and polysaccharide which look like crystal clusters or grains of jelly which feed on the sugar (metabolise the sugar) to produce right-rotating lactic acid, carbon dioxide and ethanol resulting in a fermented, carbonated and slightly fizzy beverage.
Because of kefir’s ability to establish healthy bowel flora, it is beneficial in preventing many gastrointestinal disorders. Kefir can also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, acting as a natural antibiotic.
It’s cleansing effect on the whole body helps to establish a balanced inner ecosystem for optimum health and longevity as it strengthens the immune system, encourages good digestion and helps to maintain healthy function of the heart. Kefir is an excellent source of nourishment for kids, pregnant and nursing women, the elderly, and those with compromised immunity.

*Purearth’s water ‘dairy-free’ kefir range is infused with cold-pressed organic juices and superfoods to make this probiotic rich beverage even more superior and health beneficial.
Our kefir ranges are tasty, energising, refreshing, low glycemic and are a wonderful alternative if you are lactose intolerant or follow a vegan diet.

Purearth tip:
Kefir should be introduced slowly as the body and digestion needs to adjust. Start by drinking small amounts of kefir on a daily basis.
 ¼ a bottle of Purearth’s kefir drinks are recommended, build up from there and always trust your gut.

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Review: Broad bean & courgette salad

In England fava beans are known as “broad beans” and zucchini is known as “courgette”. We came across this delicious salad at the BBC Good Food blog.

Broad bean & courgette salad

We served it as a warm salad, main meal portion at lunchtime. It is a delicious salad and we will make it often over the coming months.

from Vegalicious
via Why You Should Consider Buying Organic Food

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

How to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

Nothing is more frustrating than the unrelenting urge to sneeze, sniffle, and wheeze through a nose plugged up with pollen. Allergies are no fun, but the conventional allergy medications used to treat them can be even worse, often leaving you feeling amped up and groggy all at the same time. But you can find relief without nasty side effects by learning how to use essential oils for allergies.

How to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated fragrant oils distilled from natural plant sources and used for aromatherapy and alternative wellness. Essential oils enter the body through two primary avenues, either topically or through inhalation. Ingestion should be avoided in most cases because of potency. Learning how to use essential oils can help you treat a range of ailments more naturally. Application methods include:

1. Diffuser

A diffuser disperses the essential oil by either exposing it to air, heat, or water.

2. Spray

After diluting essential oils in water you can use them in a spray bottle. For example, this lavender magnesium spray is great for relaxation just before bed.

3. Topically

Essential oils applied directly to the skin need to be diluted with a carrier oil (for example, a vegetable or nut oil). The essential oil should have a concentration of no greater than three to five percent. That means in one teaspoon of carrier oil, you would add three drops of pure essential oil. This would make a three percent solution that could be used on a portion of the body. If you’re using the oil for massage therapy over the entire body, it should be diluted to one percent.

[Tip: Use an organic and cold pressed carrier oil like almond, grapeseed, jojoba, or avocado oil. It can either be added using a compress or applied directly to the skin through massage.]

5 Scientifically Backed Essential Oils for Allergies

Everything You Need to Know About How to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

Allergies like hay-fever come with a host of symptoms from runny nose to sinus headache, sinus pressure, itchy eyes and throat, and the list goes on. But a number of essential oils may relieve those irritating symptoms. While essential oils do have some side effects, for example, they can be irritating to the skin as well as the mouth, nose, and eyes, they don’t cause side effects like allergy medications, which can make you feel amped up, groggy, and dehydrated. Essential oils are also controversial for pregnant women and children. You should talk to your doctor before using them.

Essential oils can be less expensive than over-the-counter or prescription medications when you consider that just a few drops go a long way. A one-ounce bottle of eucalyptus oil costs around $6, but it takes just a few drops added to a diffuser to have an impact on the respiratory system. Compare this to allergy medications like Claritin and Zyrtec, which range in price from around $15 to $40.

Science is behind the curveball when it comes to essential oils, but according to researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center, some experts believe that olfactory smell receptors in the brain communicate to other parts of the brain like the amygdala and hippocampus, influencing physical, emotional, and mental health.

Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser to open up the airways and reduce inflammation. These essential oils for allergies are worth trying:
1. Eucalyptus

A study published in April 2010 issue of Alternative Medicine Review found that eucalyptus has antimicrobial effects. It can be used to treat colds and flu by opening the respiratory system and reducing inflammation.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is slightly more mild than eucalyptus, but it also works to open up inflammation in the sinuses. According to a 2011 Penn State University Medical Center study, rosemary oil also has antimicrobial qualities and can neutralize some pathogens.

3. Clove

Clove oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics, and can help to reduce allergy symptoms. Research published in an October 2012 issue of the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology found that clove oil can be used as an antimicrobial to kill internal and external pathogens.

4. Lavender

Lavender is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. It may help reduce irritation and relax your breathing. A study published in the July 2014 issue of the journal Life Sciences, found that lavender essential oil inhalation effectively suppressed inflammation in the airways.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is another anti-inflammatory that relaxes and relieves sinus headaches. Working with chamomile essential oil months before your hay-fever sets in may boost your immune response and decrease your reaction. One study, published in the November 2010 issue of Molecular Medicine Reports, found that chamomile can be used to treat inflammation of the mucus membranes in the mouth and throat.
When it comes to naturally clearing up your respiratory system, eucalyptus and peppermint oil are both highly effective, according to certified nutrition specialist and natural medicine expert, Dr. Josh Axe. This homemade Vapor Rub by Dr. Axe uses both and helps to open up the airways.

Homemade Vapor Rub


1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup grated beeswax
20 drops peppermint essential oil
20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
Glass Jar


1. Place olive oil, coconut oil, and beeswax in a jar. Place a saucepan with 2 inches of water over medium low heat. Add jar to saucepan to melt oils.

2. Let cool before adding essential oils. Pour in a jar and allow to set up.

Essential Oil Allergies for Children

Essential oils are potent and even poisonous to children when they haven’t been properly diluted. Take precaution when it comes to the little ones. Here are a few tips:
  • Keep essential oils out of reach for children.
  • Never give them to children orally.
  • Always dilute with a carrier oil.
  • Keep them away from a child’s nose. Applying diluted essential oils to the feet are often best.
  • Introduce them slowly and watch for any reaction.
  • Avoid use on children less than three months old because of extreme skin sensitivity.
  • Stick to really mild oils for babies like chamomile, dill, and lavender.
  • Talk to your child’s pediatrician before use.

Where To Buy Essential Oils

Everything You Need to Know About How to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

Not sure where to buy essential oils? When it comes to choosing essential oils, look for brands that are made purely of the oil and not diluted with fillers like propylene glycol. Bonus if they’re wildcrafted and made from organic plants grown in their indigenous locations. Read labels, and if you can’t tell from the label, call the company. If it’s hard to get a response, choose another company. Mountain Rose Herbs and Plant Therapy are both smaller companies that produce pure, high quality oils.

[Note: Always consult with your primary care physician before using essential oils to treat any type of health concern.]

via The Advantage Of Organic Food

How to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

Nothing is more frustrating than the unrelenting urge to sneeze, sniffle, and wheeze through a nose plugged up with pollen. Allergies are no fun, but the conventional allergy medications used to treat them can be even worse, often leaving you feeling amped up and groggy all at the same time. But you can find relief without nasty side effects by learning how to use essential oils for allergies.

How to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated fragrant oils distilled from natural plant sources and used for aromatherapy and alternative wellness. Essential oils enter the body through two primary avenues, either topically or through inhalation. Ingestion should be avoided in most cases because of potency. Learning how to use essential oils can help you treat a range of ailments more naturally. Application methods include:

1. Diffuser

A diffuser disperses the essential oil by either exposing it to air, heat, or water.

2. Spray

After diluting essential oils in water you can use them in a spray bottle. For example, this lavender magnesium spray is great for relaxation just before bed.

3. Topically

Essential oils applied directly to the skin need to be diluted with a carrier oil (for example, a vegetable or nut oil). The essential oil should have a concentration of no greater than three to five percent. That means in one teaspoon of carrier oil, you would add three drops of pure essential oil. This would make a three percent solution that could be used on a portion of the body. If you’re using the oil for massage therapy over the entire body, it should be diluted to one percent.

[Tip: Use an organic and cold pressed carrier oil like almond, grapeseed, jojoba, or avocado oil. It can either be added using a compress or applied directly to the skin through massage.]

5 Scientifically Backed Essential Oils for Allergies

Everything You Need to Know About How to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

Allergies like hay-fever come with a host of symptoms from runny nose to sinus headache, sinus pressure, itchy eyes and throat, and the list goes on. But a number of essential oils may relieve those irritating symptoms. While essential oils do have some side effects, for example, they can be irritating to the skin as well as the mouth, nose, and eyes, they don’t cause side effects like allergy medications, which can make you feel amped up, groggy, and dehydrated. Essential oils are also controversial for pregnant women and children. You should talk to your doctor before using them.

Essential oils can be less expensive than over-the-counter or prescription medications when you consider that just a few drops go a long way. A one-ounce bottle of eucalyptus oil costs around $6, but it takes just a few drops added to a diffuser to have an impact on the respiratory system. Compare this to allergy medications like Claritin and Zyrtec, which range in price from around $15 to $40.

Science is behind the curveball when it comes to essential oils, but according to researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center, some experts believe that olfactory smell receptors in the brain communicate to other parts of the brain like the amygdala and hippocampus, influencing physical, emotional, and mental health.

Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser to open up the airways and reduce inflammation. These essential oils for allergies are worth trying:
1. Eucalyptus

A study published in April 2010 issue of Alternative Medicine Review found that eucalyptus has antimicrobial effects. It can be used to treat colds and flu by opening the respiratory system and reducing inflammation.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is slightly more mild than eucalyptus, but it also works to open up inflammation in the sinuses. According to a 2011 Penn State University Medical Center study, rosemary oil also has antimicrobial qualities and can neutralize some pathogens.

3. Clove

Clove oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics, and can help to reduce allergy symptoms. Research published in an October 2012 issue of the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology found that clove oil can be used as an antimicrobial to kill internal and external pathogens.

4. Lavender

Lavender is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. It may help reduce irritation and relax your breathing. A study published in the July 2014 issue of the journal Life Sciences, found that lavender essential oil inhalation effectively suppressed inflammation in the airways.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is another anti-inflammatory that relaxes and relieves sinus headaches. Working with chamomile essential oil months before your hay-fever sets in may boost your immune response and decrease your reaction. One study, published in the November 2010 issue of Molecular Medicine Reports, found that chamomile can be used to treat inflammation of the mucus membranes in the mouth and throat.
When it comes to naturally clearing up your respiratory system, eucalyptus and peppermint oil are both highly effective, according to certified nutrition specialist and natural medicine expert, Dr. Josh Axe. This homemade Vapor Rub by Dr. Axe uses both and helps to open up the airways.

Homemade Vapor Rub


1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup grated beeswax
20 drops peppermint essential oil
20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
Glass Jar


1. Place olive oil, coconut oil, and beeswax in a jar. Place a saucepan with 2 inches of water over medium low heat. Add jar to saucepan to melt oils.

2. Let cool before adding essential oils. Pour in a jar and allow to set up.

Essential Oil Allergies for Children

Essential oils are potent and even poisonous to children when they haven’t been properly diluted. Take precaution when it comes to the little ones. Here are a few tips:
  • Keep essential oils out of reach for children.
  • Never give them to children orally.
  • Always dilute with a carrier oil.
  • Keep them away from a child’s nose. Applying diluted essential oils to the feet are often best.
  • Introduce them slowly and watch for any reaction.
  • Avoid use on children less than three months old because of extreme skin sensitivity.
  • Stick to really mild oils for babies like chamomile, dill, and lavender.
  • Talk to your child’s pediatrician before use.

Where To Buy Essential Oils

Everything You Need to Know About How to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

Not sure where to buy essential oils? When it comes to choosing essential oils, look for brands that are made purely of the oil and not diluted with fillers like propylene glycol. Bonus if they’re wildcrafted and made from organic plants grown in their indigenous locations. Read labels, and if you can’t tell from the label, call the company. If it’s hard to get a response, choose another company. Mountain Rose Herbs and Plant Therapy are both smaller companies that produce pure, high quality oils.

[Note: Always consult with your primary care physician before using essential oils to treat any type of health concern.]

via The Advantage Of Organic Food

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Farro with Chickpeas, Artichoke Hearts and Tomato Sauce

This is a delicious meal. We enjoyed it in the early summer, but it would be good at any time of the year. It is very flavorful and filling.

Farro with Chickpeas and Artichokes with Tomato Sauce

Serving Size: 4


  • 1 cup farro
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 15 ounce can chickpeas
  • 1 14 ounce can artichokes hearts in water, drained
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 14 ounce can crushed tomatoes
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon Italian herbs
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • pinch red pepper flakes
  • splash lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Make the tomato sauce first.
  2. Chop the onion and mince the garlic.
  3. Heat the oil in a medium sauce pan.
  4. Add the onion and sauté until soft.
  5. Add the can of crushed tomatoes, Italian herbs, and garlic.
  6. Heat the mixture.
  7. Add the red pepper flakes and lemon juice.
  8. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  9. Turn the heat down to simmer while you make the rest of the meal.
  10. Drain the artichokes and slice in quarters.
  11. Drain and rise the chickpeas.
  12. Heat the cooking oil in a large frying pan.
  13. Add the cooked farro.
  14. Add the chickpeas to the faro and mix well.
  15. Add the artichokes to the farro and chickpeas and gently mix. Sprinkle the salt over the mixture and turn the heat on low.
  16. Serve the farro, chickpea, artichoke mixture with some of the tomato sauce on top.
  17. We garnished the dish with a sprig of fresh rosemary.

from Vegalicious
via Why You Should Consider Buying Organic Food