This range includes a fermented beverage called Jun, with multiple flavours, often referred to as the champagne of Kombucha.
Excalibur’s range lists various cultured vegetable products, the likes of which are usually only available in the more experimental US market place.
Excalibur Jun elixirs
Some of you may have heard of Jun, but it’s fair to say that most people haven’t. Jun purportedly originates in Tibet and is traditionally brewed with green tea, raw honey and a scoby (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast). Excalibur has upgraded the recipe by incorporating various herbal components into each flavour; these flavours include Chaga, Gingko and Amazonia. All this range contain mostly wild-crafted and organic ingredients, and deliver exciting flavour profiles which vary according to which herbal formulation has been used. Based upon market research and observation more than 90% of people who try Jun give it a big thumbs up. This is probably because of the deliciously sweet and tangy combination that is achieved as a result of using raw, wild-crafted honey rather than processed sugar, so often present in similar products. For most people, fermented foods usually require some period of getting used to, however with Jun this is not the case, invariably its appeal is pretty much instant.
Excalibur cultured vegetables
These recipes are truly innovative and unique in their field. The concept is that alongside the traditional ingredients usually present with sauerkraut, we also incorporate less traditional, but somewhat more medicinal plant based substances into the mix. For example, with the Excalibur kim-chee, rather than using traditional fish sauce, which may be objectionable to our target client group, at Excalibur, we use a micro-algae called Marine phytoplankton. Aside from containing a plethora of nutritional compounds and numerous anti-oxidants, marine phytoplankton is one of the only vegan sources of long chain omega 3 fatty acids like EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which is converted in the body to DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
These molecules are a necessity for us to have proper brain function and cell membrane permeability. Interestingly marine phytoplankton (according to various scientists) also contributes 50 to 85 percent of the oxygen in earth’s atmosphere!
Excalibur’s Goji Dragon Kraut also takes a very unusual slant on cultured veg, in that it incorporates red cabbage and goji berry, as well as different kinds of sea vegetables like dulse and sea spaghetti. The flavour that results in such alchemy is palpable and dynamic to say the least.
The Chlorella Super Kraut not only makes use of chlorella, but also contains a compound called chlorella growth factor (CGF) which directly feeds lactobacillus which is essential for great gut health; this is evident when observing the extra lively fermentation process that takes place with such ingredients.
The Ocean Harvest Kraut is absolutely mouth watering and blends (together with the white cabbage) botanicals such as caraway seed and more unusual schisandra berry, one of the top herbs in traditional Chinese medicine and taoist tonic herbalism.
All in all these tonic healing foods are not to be missed if you are at all interested in having an exalted taste and health experience with your meals. The fantastic thing about them is that they will significantly enhance any meal with which you eat them, whether you are a seasoned and competent foodie or a kitchen novice. Try them for yourself and see, the proof is in the pudding (or in this instance, the condiment).
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